NEWARCC Petting Farm is closed for the time being while we rebuild.
I feel the Petting Farm has served the community well over the years, with many thousands of children and adults enjoying their visit here. I would like very much to see NEWARCC Petting Farm continue on into the future, but it is going to take a lot of hard work and money to accomplish this goal. NEWARCC needs a new permanent home, a farm where it can thrive and grow.
How can you help. That's easy. Volunteer to do what you do best, whatever you enjoy doing. The possibilities are just about endless. If you enjoy writing or photography you can help with web pages, emails, press releases. Do you have people skills, you can help with fundraising. Can you organize or manage people, then you can help with setting and accomplishing goals. The list goes on and on, it all depends on you.
If you are interested in helping NEWARCC Petting Farm, please send me an email. NEWARCC@VERIZON.NET
You may of course send a donation or contact me via mail.
Steve Collison - President NEWARCC Petting Farm 1557 Governor Bridge Road Davidsonville, MD 21035